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Listing Page Layout

User interface of the primary listing page is explained in this article

Pop Ad Campaign Details: Synopsis

The Synopsis tab shows basic information about the ad such as screenshots, domain data, landing page URL, inbound and outbound URL chains etc. You can reach this tab from the pop listing page shows you more details about the ad and the entire campaign.

Get Daily Activity of a Pop Ad: Statistics Tab

The statistics tab provides graphical representation of daily activity of any given pop ad. The chart is fully customizable in terms of the date range which can extend as far as 1 year.

Find Geo Targeted By A Pop Campaign: Geo Tab

The Geo tab provides data on the countries targeted by a given pop ad campaign. Clicking on any ad from the pop listing page shows you more details about the ad and the entire campaign. This data is organized and presented in a multi tab environment. Here we will talk about the Geo tab

Manage Your Personal Settings

Familiarize yourself with user profile screen that allows you to change your password and other user parameters.