Frequently Asked Questions Tagged as Affiliate Campaigns
Some ads are associated with more than one affiliate networks, countries, ad networks etc. Due to the size limitation of the single ad unit, we cannot display all the labels. In such cases, we display +n icon where n represents the number of additional available labels. You can see other labels by hovering your mouse over the +n icon as shown in the image below:

Method 1
The best method is to use Trackers drop down filter and select All from the drop down menu. Most affiliates use one of the 7 tracking tools that our bots can detect. Read more about it here. This is by far the most effective way to filter the affiliate network campaigns.
Method 2
Another option is to use Affiliate Network drop down filter. You can either select ALL which will show all the campaigns that we were able to tag as affiliate campaigns or choose a specific affiliate network. Please keep in mind that our detection rate for affiliate campaigns is not 100%. Therefore we highly recommend Method 1.
We cover a huge number (200+) of affiliate networks (more networks than any other tool) for our Native Spy Tool. Here is the complete list.
3.14Digital | 500Affiliates | eBayPartnerNetwork | iConceptMedia | imaXcash |
vCommission | AboveAllOffers | Acquirely | Adcanopus | AdCombo |
AdFlowAffiliates | AdHive | Adit-Media | Admitad | AdMobo |
AdMoustache | AdPrecise | AdsplayInternational | Adtraction | AdviceMe |
Advidi | Affidoo | AffiliateDragons | AffiliateNinjas | AffiliateWindow |
Affiliati | AffiliAxe | Affonix | Afilea | AgamiMedia |
AgoraFinancial | AlgoAffiliates | AmazonAssociates | AnastasiaAffiliate | ApoxyMedia |
ApproachX | ArabClicks | Assurance | AvantLink | AvaPartner |
Awin | BankRate | Beeleads | BigBangAds | BigCash |
BinaryAffiliatesGroup | BinPartner | BusinessCom | BuyGoods | C2MediaCorp |
Cardata | CasinoRewards | CelticKnotJewlery | Clickbank | ClickBooth |
ClickDealer | ClickPoint | Clickwork7 | ClixScale | CommissionJunction |
CommissionSoup | ConvertingTeam | CooMeet | Cpagetti | CPAMatica |
CPTarget | CPXTracking | CrakRevenue | CyberGhostVPN | DigiStore24 |
DigitalVirgo | DigiTouch | DigiZag | DrCash | EGamingOnline |
EnvyusMedia | EuropeFX | EveryPolicy | ExoticLead | ExpressRevenue |
Finanzen | FlavourAds | FluentCo | FreePriceCompare | FunHell |
GamesVid | Gasmobi | GiddyupGroup | GMAMobi | Gotzha |
GZNMedia | HalexoMedia | HugeOffers | InboxLabs | InflectoMedia |
InSparx | InvestingChannel | IQOption | JVZoo | KaineroMedia |
Kantar | Kenshoo | KiloHealth | Leadbit | LeadGid |
LeadHits | LeadTrade | LegacyResearch | LendingTreePartner | LifeRenew |
LinkConnector | LinkShare | LogicServe | LosPollos | LowerMyBills |
LTVCo | LunaParkMedia | M4Trix | MaxBounty | Maxipartners |
MediaForce | Merkle | MobAvenue | Monetizze | MonsIndustries |
MoreNiche | MyLead | NaturalIntelligence | NeonFlux | NewMarketHealth |
Nivoria | NordVPN | Nucific | NutriProfits | O2CNetwork |
Oasis | OffersQuest | OfferWave | OMGLtd | OmniVistaHealth |
OnlineEdge | Plarium | Point2Web | Pokkt | PrimalHealth |
Proton | Publicis | PureHealthResearch | PWNGamesNetwork | Qubiq |
QuoteSearch | RainMakerAdVentures | RateSpecial | RedFireNetwork | ReflexCash |
ReklamStore | Rextro | ROIandCo | ROIKingdom | SaleString |
SendT | ShareASale | SirenGroup | SkyMedia | SlingAds |
SmashLoud | SoftwareProjects | Soicos | SuperMoney | SvelteLifestyle |
TapStone | TerraLeads | Themobiadz | Tipp24 | Topsky |
TotalAV | TradeDoublerUK | TrafficCompany | TrafficOn | TraffiCrave |
TriadMedia | TrinityHealth | UrlPartners | ValueLeaf | VertigoMedia |
VerveDirect | VikingClicks | VitalityHealth | VitalityNutrition | Webgains |
WelionAds | WellDaily | WildBearAds | WisdomCompanies | YepAds |
ZeldaCom | ZenithLabs | Zeydoo |