Frequently Asked Questions Tagged as Ad Networks
Some ads are associated with more than one affiliate networks, countries, ad networks etc. Due to the size limitation of the single ad unit, we cannot display all the labels. In such cases, we display +n icon where n represents the number of additional available labels. You can see other labels by hovering your mouse over the +n icon as shown in the image below:

You can find that information in ad networks tab when you click on any advertisement on the listing page.
We cover a huge number (200+) of affiliate networks (more networks than any other tool) for our Native Spy Tool. Here is the complete list.
3.14Digital | 500Affiliates | eBayPartnerNetwork | iConceptMedia | imaXcash |
vCommission | AboveAllOffers | Acquirely | Adcanopus | AdCombo |
AdFlowAffiliates | AdHive | Adit-Media | Admitad | AdMobo |
AdMoustache | AdPrecise | AdsplayInternational | Adtraction | AdviceMe |
Advidi | Affidoo | AffiliateDragons | AffiliateNinjas | AffiliateWindow |
Affiliati | AffiliAxe | Affonix | Afilea | AgamiMedia |
AgoraFinancial | AlgoAffiliates | AmazonAssociates | AnastasiaAffiliate | ApoxyMedia |
ApproachX | ArabClicks | Assurance | AvantLink | AvaPartner |
Awin | BankRate | Beeleads | BigBangAds | BigCash |
BinaryAffiliatesGroup | BinPartner | BusinessCom | BuyGoods | C2MediaCorp |
Cardata | CasinoRewards | CelticKnotJewlery | Clickbank | ClickBooth |
ClickDealer | ClickPoint | Clickwork7 | ClixScale | CommissionJunction |
CommissionSoup | ConvertingTeam | CooMeet | Cpagetti | CPAMatica |
CPTarget | CPXTracking | CrakRevenue | CyberGhostVPN | DigiStore24 |
DigitalVirgo | DigiTouch | DigiZag | DrCash | EGamingOnline |
EnvyusMedia | EuropeFX | EveryPolicy | ExoticLead | ExpressRevenue |
Finanzen | FlavourAds | FluentCo | FreePriceCompare | FunHell |
GamesVid | Gasmobi | GiddyupGroup | GMAMobi | Gotzha |
GZNMedia | HalexoMedia | HugeOffers | InboxLabs | InflectoMedia |
InSparx | InvestingChannel | IQOption | JVZoo | KaineroMedia |
Kantar | Kenshoo | KiloHealth | Leadbit | LeadGid |
LeadHits | LeadTrade | LegacyResearch | LendingTreePartner | LifeRenew |
LinkConnector | LinkShare | LogicServe | LosPollos | LowerMyBills |
LTVCo | LunaParkMedia | M4Trix | MaxBounty | Maxipartners |
MediaForce | Merkle | MobAvenue | Monetizze | MonsIndustries |
MoreNiche | MyLead | NaturalIntelligence | NeonFlux | NewMarketHealth |
Nivoria | NordVPN | Nucific | NutriProfits | O2CNetwork |
Oasis | OffersQuest | OfferWave | OMGLtd | OmniVistaHealth |
OnlineEdge | Plarium | Point2Web | Pokkt | PrimalHealth |
Proton | Publicis | PureHealthResearch | PWNGamesNetwork | Qubiq |
QuoteSearch | RainMakerAdVentures | RateSpecial | RedFireNetwork | ReflexCash |
ReklamStore | Rextro | ROIandCo | ROIKingdom | SaleString |
SendT | ShareASale | SirenGroup | SkyMedia | SlingAds |
SmashLoud | SoftwareProjects | Soicos | SuperMoney | SvelteLifestyle |
TapStone | TerraLeads | Themobiadz | Tipp24 | Topsky |
TotalAV | TradeDoublerUK | TrafficCompany | TrafficOn | TraffiCrave |
TriadMedia | TrinityHealth | UrlPartners | ValueLeaf | VertigoMedia |
VerveDirect | VikingClicks | VitalityHealth | VitalityNutrition | Webgains |
WelionAds | WellDaily | WildBearAds | WisdomCompanies | YepAds |
ZeldaCom | ZenithLabs | Zeydoo |
We cover 28 Ad Networks in Anstrex Native tool. Here is the complete list.
AdNow | Adblade | AdsKeeper | AdupTech | Colombia | | Dianomi | EngageYa | Jubna | |
LockerDome | Logly | MSN | Mgid | NewsMax |
Outbrain | Plista | Popin | PostQuare | PowerInbox |
Revcontent | Speakol | Spoutable | Taboola | Twiago |
Yahoo | Yengo | Zergnet |