Adding Favorites
If you encounter an interesting ad campaign while browsing and don't have time to look at it, you can save it for later as a favorite. Here are the steps:
- Click on the gray colored heart icon (❤️).
- When you click on the icon, the color changes to red.
- The ad is now stored in your favorites folder
- You can view the ad by going to the favorites page.
Check out the video demonstration below:
How to get to Favorites page?

Please click on your user name to reveal a drop-down menu.
You will see an option called Manage Favorites in the drop-down menu. Selecting this option will open your favorites page in a new browser tab.
Favorites Page: Nuts and Bolts
The screenshot below shows the essential elements of favorites page:
Per the labels on the image above:
- Primary Listing Area - This is the region where your favorite ads are displayed for a given group
- Add Favorite Group Button - Clicking on this button allows you to add a new favorite group
- Sidebar Toggle - This toggle button will collapse/expand the sidebar
- List of Favorite Groups - All the favorite groups you created are listed on the sidebar
- Default Radio Button - This radio button selects the default favorite group where subsequent addition to favorites will be added to
- Trash Icon (🗑️) - Deletes the favorite group listed on the same line
- Cross Icon (X) - Deletes the individual ad from given favorite group
Create Favorites Group
To create a favorites group
- Click on the Add Favorite Group turquoise colored button at the top right hand corner of the favorites page
- You will be prompted to name your favorite group
- Provide a meaningful name (max. 100 characters)
- Click OK button
- Your new group should now be visible in the sidebar
Check out the video demonstration of this process:
Move Ads Between Favorites Group
To move the ads between two favorites group is extremely simple. You can just drag and drop them as explained below
- Click the ad that you want to move
- Drag the ad into the sidebar over the group to which you want to move the ad
- When the ad is ready to be dropped into the group, the color will change from red to green
- Release your mouse button and the ad will be moved into that group
Here is a short video demonstrating this process:
Delete Single Ad From Favorite Group
To delete a single video from any given group:
Click on the cross icon (X) on the creative. The creative will immediately be removed from your favorites
Delete Favorite Group
To delete an entire favorite group:
- Click on the trashcan icon () next to the group that you wish to delete
- You will be asked to confirm your request
- Upon positive confirmation, the entire group will be deleted
Please note that when you delete a favorite group, the entire contents (all the ads within the group) will be deleted.
Video below shows the process:
Make Any Favorite Group Default For Automatic Storage
For all the new users a favorites group called My Favorites will be created by the system. All the favorites you select will be added to this group bu default. In order to change your default storage group, please select the radio button next to the group you want to make it your default group for storage as shown in the video below: