FAQ | How do I switch from credit card to paypal or vice versa?

How do I switch from credit card to paypal or vice versa?

  1. On the top right hand corner of your screen you will see user avatar icon. After clicking on this icon, you will see an entry called Payment Info as shown below
  2. Please select payment info and you will be taken to your payment page. Alternatively you can click here to go directly to your payment info page. You will see all your subscription plans in the subscription widget. Click on Payment Methods as shown below:
  3. On the next screen you will see your current payment method. You can click on that as shown in the following screenshot:
  4. Clicking on the existing payment will give you the option to edit the payment method as shown in the screenshot below:
  5. After clicking Edit Payment Method, you will have the option to select a new payment method as shown below: