Find Top Products to Sell on TikTok | InStream Tool

Find Top Products to Sell on TikTok

Filtering/Searching/Sorting Products

Every time you login to Anstrex In-Stream, you will be automatically redirected to the listing page which shows in-stream video ads from TikTok and other video sharing platforms. The listing page has 3 different tabs as shown below

  1. Top Creatives: This listing page shows all the creatives/ads
  2. Top Products: This listing page shows all the products that are being sold using the video in-stream ads (TikTok etc)
  3. Top Stores: This listing page shows all the stores that are advertising using in-stream video ads on TikTok etc.

This article covers the Top Products listing page page where all the products sold on in-stream platform are indexed along with detailed information on each product.

Filter Menu Bar

At the top of the page, you will see a filter menu bar as shown below. This menu bar contains various drop-down filters which allows you to narrow the results and find the products you are interested in.

In-Stream Top Product Filter Menu Bar

You will find following options in the filter menu bar:

  1. Geo - Filter the products by country where it is most popular in (This data is obtained from the country targeting of the ads that feature this product)
  2. Sort- Allows you to sort the results in a myriad of different ways. There are following sorting options available. Please remember that the default sorting order shows the newest products in the database at the top of the listing page
    1. Highest Engagement: This sorting method factors in the total likes and total views of the product ads to give you the products that generated most likes in least number of views
    2. Most Likes: This sorting method lists the product in descending order of total likes it received from various ads.
    3. Most Views: This sorting method lists the product in descending order of total views/impressions it received from various ads.
    4. Most Expensive: This sorting method lists the products with highest selling price at the top of the page
    5. Least Expensive: This sorting method lists the products with lowest selling price at the top of the page
    6. Most Ads: This sorting shows products that were featured in highest number of ads in descending order
    7. Most Popular: This sorting method takes sum of total likes, total views, total shares, and total bookmarks from the ads that featured the product and shows ads with highest values at the top of the page in descending order.

Once you apply the filters, you will see each filter as a label just below the menu bar as shown below.

In-Stream Top Product Filter Labels

You can reset an individual filter by closing (Clicking on the X button) the appropriate label as shown in the image above

To reset all the filters (including search and sort), click on the Reset All button as shown below:

Reset All Button

Slider Bar

Just below the Filter Menu Bar, you will see the Slider Bar section

In-Stream Top Product Slider Bar

The Slider Bar area has 6 sliders in total. These sliders allow you to apply filters that are numeric in nature such as Duration, Likes, Like Rate etc.

  1. Likes Slider: You can choose minimum and maximum number of likes that were generated on the ads featuring the products
  2. Views/Impressions Slider: You can choose minimum and maximum number of views or ad impressions that were generated on the ads featuring the products
  3. Like Rate Slider: This is a normalized measurement of Total Likes for the ads that featured the products. The number of Total Likes increases with number of ad impressions or number of views. Like Rate takes the ratio of Total Likes/Total Views. This gives you a more meaningful parameter on how quickly or rapidly likes were generated by the ad and allow you to compare various ads irrespective of the total number of impressions and views. Higher the like rate, higher audience interest. This is also equivalent to Engagement.
  4. Price Slider: : You can choose minimum and maximum selling price in USD for the products that you are searching for.
  5. Number of Ads Slider: You can choose the minimum and maximum number of ads that featured the products
  6. Duration Slider: It allows you narrow down your search by choosing a minimum and maximum value of days that ads featuring the products have been running for.

Each slider has 2 handles which allow you to change both maximum and minimum values (in effect they work as a range filters) whereas the sliders with a single handle allows you to change only one value.

Search Box

Below the slider bar, you will find a search button that allows simple keyword and domain name search. To initiate the search after typing your search phrase, please click on the search button as shown below

This will open a modal window that will look like this:

Here you will have the option to do Basic keyword search for the following fields:

  1. Product Title: Search the text used in the product title/header.
  2. Product Description: Search for text featured in the product description

Right below basic search you will have an option to perform Advanced Search which can be initiated by clicking on the advanced search gray bar as shown in the image above. Advanced search topic is discussed in more detail in a separate help article.

Get Detailed Information on A Product

In-Stream Product Listing Card

Each product listing has several important items and parameters as explained below (please refer to the image above)

  1. Date the product was added to the store
  2. Date the product was last seen in the store
  3. Primary image of the product. Clicking on this image will show the image in its original size and resolution in a separate window.
  4. Product title as found in the store
  5. Total Likes observed for all the ads associated with this product
  6. Total Shares observed for all the ads associated with this product
  7. Total Views/Impressions observed for all the ads associated with this product
  8. Price of the product in USD and the store currency if different than USD

When you click on any area on the product listing (except the image), you will see a multi-tab panel featuring the product. The panel has following tabs as shown in the image below

Multi Tab Panel Showing Product Details
  1. Synopsis Tab: This tab gives you an overview of the product.
  2. Description Tab: This tab gives you the product description as found on the web page featuring the product
  3. Images Tab: This tab shows you all the images associated with the product
  4. Ads Tab: This tab shows you all the ads associated with the product
  5. Open Panel in New Tab Button: This button opens the panel in a separate browser tab. It is useful for saving this information while you are browsing so you can look at it later or compare it against other panel(s).

Let's look at each tab in more detail and all the available options in each tab

Synopsis Tab

Product Synopsis Tab

This tab gives you an overall comprehensive information on the product as shown below:

  1. Product link to the store. You can view the full URL by hovering your mouse over it. You can click the URL to open the store product page in a new browser tab. You can also click on the copy icon to copy the URL in your device buffer.
  2. Price of the product in USD
  3. Date when the product was created in the store
  4. Product Image
  5. Button that allows you to view the product image in full resolution
  6. Product Image
  7. Product Title
  8. Total Like count from the ad(s) that featured the product
  9. Total Share count from the ad(s) that featured the product
  10. Total Views/Impressions count from the ad(s) that featured the product
  11. Product selling price in USD and original currency

Description Tab

Product Description Tab

This tab shows the product description that was obtained from the store selling the product. You will be able to scroll through entire description.

Images Tab

Product Images Tab

This tab shows all the images associated with the product. You can scroll through all the images and/or download them as a zip file by clicking on the download icon as shown above.

Variants Tab

Product Variants Tab

This tab is only shown if the product has variants such as size, color, accessories etc.

Ads Tab

Product Ads Tab

This tab shows all the video ads associated with the product. It can have one or multiple ads. For more information on the various items listed in the ad, view this article.

Please note that you can click on the video to play the video or click on the ad to get all the details pertaining to the ad.