Please also watch our video tutorials on Order Management on a Shopify Store and/or Order Management on a Woo-Commerce Store.
As explained in our order fulfillment guide, the orders placed on Supplier's site are not immediately acknowledged or confirmed. It takes at least 24 hours or more for order confirmation and tracking number generation. We keep the order in Unfulfilled status until the order is confirmed. To track your orders after they have been placed, we have a separate function Track Orders within our platform. This article describes this feature in detail.
Page Layout
You can reach Track Orders section of Anstrex Dropship Platform by clicking on the "Track Orders" menu entry on the sidebar as shown below

Here are the main features of the page layout as highlighted in the screenshot below:

- Store Tabs: On the top of the page, you will see multiple tabs. Each tab represents a store that is connected to Anstrex Dropship Platform
- Filters Section: There are various drop-down filters in this area of the page that allow to filter the results/orders as explained below:
- Date Range: This filter allows you view all your orders within a particular date range
- Query: Here you can type any text query such as Order ID, tracking number, name of the item etc. to find particular order(s).
- Tracking: This filter allows you to view the orders based on whether a tracking number has been issued.
- Store Status: This filter allows you to view orders by the store fulfilment status
- Supplier Payment Status: This filter allows you to filter the orders based on whether payment for an order was successful or not.
- Supplier Status: Suppliers assign a status to each order from a multitude of choices. This filter will allow you to filter orders by any of the status
- Archived: This filter allows you to view orders based on whether they are archived or not
- Supplier: This filter will allow you to view orders for any of our supported suppliers
- Date Range: This filter allows you view all your orders within a particular date range
- Search Button: This button actually searches filters the results based on the above filters
- Reset Button: This button will reset all the filters to their default values
- Order Table: This table contains a list of all the orders that are filtered and displayed based on the criteria specified in the filter section. This table has following columns:
- Item Thumbnail: Thumbnail of the product along with the icon of the supplier
- Item Description: Description of the item along with order number as supplied by your store (green tag)
- Supplier Order No: Order number on the Supplier site
- Payment Status: Last known payment status
- Tracking Number: Tracking number for the shipment as provided by the supplier
- Supplier Tracking URL: Tracking URL as specified by your supplier
- Store Tracking URL: Tracking URL as specified in your Store
- Supplier Status: Last known supplier status
- Order Date: The date on which the order was placed
- Last Update: When the order was last tracked by Anstrex
- Status Indicators: Two for whether the order is archived and/or fulfilled
- Action Button: The action button allows you to perform the following actions
- Mark the order as Fulfilled
- Mark the order as Archived
- View the order Log
- Export Button: This button allows you to export the order list as a csv file
- Bulk Actions: This button allows you Bulk Archive or Bulk Delete the selected orders from the table
- Bulk Sync With Supplier: This button opens a new pop window that allows you sync all the orders with the supported suppliers.
Step By Step Instructions for Bulk Sync Operation
- When you click on Bulk Sync with Supplier, a pop up window opens up as shown below
- This window has several filters as seen in the screenshot above
- Date Range Filter: You must select a date range that you want to target for syncing all your orders with your supplier
- Supplier Name: This drodpown shows a list of all the supported suppliers. You must select one supplie
- After you populate the above 2 filters, click on the Get Orders List button which will fetch all the orders from the supplier site based on your specifications as shown below
- You can select 1 or more orders from the list by clicking on the checkbox in the first column of the above table
- After you select all the orders, click on Sync All button to sync the selected orders with the supplier. Please note that you must be logged in to the supplier site before this step can be completed.
As soon as the sync is completed, you will see that various columns in the table will be populated such as Supplier Status, Tracking number etc. as shown below
- When you close this pop window, you will also notice that the order list table is updated as well. In addition, the status of you shipment in the store is also updated accordingly and your customers are notified if your store has been setup to notify the customers.
- You can perform the above steps as many times as you want until the orders are received by the customers.