Creating an account on Anstrex Dropship is extremely simple. It does not require a credit card or payment until you connect a store with our platform. You will have limited access to our research tools once you create an account on Anstrex Dropship.
Please note that you will need an account prior to connecting a Woo-Commerce Store
Follow these instructions to create an account on Anstrex Dropship platform
- Go to Anstrex Account Registration Page
- Complete the following fields as shown in the screenshot below:
Registration Anstrex Dropship - Make sure that you select "Dropship" radio button under the Plan section
- First Name
- Last Name
- Valid Email
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Click on Sign Up button to complete the registration
- Congrats! you will now have access to Anstrex Dropship Platform
- You will see a prompt to connect your store as shown below. You are not required to perform this step if you just want to try out some of the product research tools.
Connect Store Prompt on Anstrex Dropship